MEDCLIC talk at EGU 2019 Assembly
Eva Aguiar, of the MEDCLIC program, presented some of her last research results during last week in the European Geosciences Union 2019 Assembly held in Vienna (Austria) (April 7th-12th).
On this occasion, the talk was entitled “Disentangling the generation mechanisms of strong and long-lived anticyclonic mesoescale eddies in the Balearic Sea” and was included within the Ocean Session, specifically in the frame of the “Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas”.
Looking for more SOCIB in #EGU19?
An important representation of SOCIB researchers participated in the European Geosciences Union 2019 Assembly. Presentations focused on the present status, advances and scientific results from SOCIB multi-platform approach, the activities from different SOCIB Facilities, including among others, data centre, gliders, HF radar, beach monitoring and modelling, and the specific advances in operational capabilities.
You can find more information about SOCIB presence in EGU congress on the links below:
SOCIB co-conveners and chairperson:
- Convener: Timothy Price; co-conveners: Matthieu De Schipper, Àngels Fernández Mora, Nadia Senechal in Oral session OS2.3 - Nearshore processes: fluid motions and sediment transport. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 8 Apr 2019, 8:30-10:15. Room 1.85.
- Convener: Antonio Novellino; co-conveners: Simona Simoncelli, Cristian Muñoz, Luca Bonofiglio in Oral session ESSI1.1 - Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Science. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 9 Apr 2019, 16:15-18:00. Room M1.
- Chairperson: Cristian Muñoz in poster session ESSI1.1 - Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Science. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 11 Apr 2019, 8:30-10:15. Hall X1.
Oral presentations and posters:
- Eva Aguiar, B. Mourre, M. Juza, A. Révelard, J. Hernández, A. Pascual, A. Alvera-Azcárate. Disentangling the generation mechanisms of strong and long-lived anticyclonic mesoescale eddies in the Balearic Sea. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 11 Apr 2019, 11:45-12:00. Oral. Session OS2.5 - Advances in Understanding of the Multi-Disciplinary Dynamics of the Southern European Seas (Mediterranean and Black Sea), room 1.85. Abstract
- Emma Reyes Reyes, I. Hernández-Carrasco, B. Mourre, P. Rotllán, E. Comerma, T. Tajalibakhsh, A. Rubio, J. Mader, L. Ferrer, C. De Lera Fernández, E. Álvarez-Fanjul, J. Tintoré. IBISAR downstream service: Lagrangian assessment of CMEMS and regional model products supporting emergency decision-making at sea. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 12 Apr 2019, 15:00-15:15. Oral. Session OS4.11 - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), room 1.85.Abstract
- Lorenzo Corgnati, C. Mantovani, J.L. Asensio, A. Rubio, J. Mader, E. Reyes, A. Novellino, P. Gorringe, A. Griffa. The European High Frequency Radar Node. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 9 Apr 2019, 16:15-16:30. Oral. Session OS4.35 - Informatics in Oceanography and Ocean Science, room M1. Abstract
- Anna Rubio, J. Mader, L. Corgnati, C. Mantovani, A. Griffa, J.L. Asensio, E. Reyes, S. Tarot. High Frequency Radar-derived surface currents: a powerful new data set for CMEMS. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 12 Apr 2019, 14:45-15:00. Oral. Session OS4.11 - Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS), room 7.85. Abstract
- Lluis Gómez-Pujol, A. Zamora, À. Fernández-Mora, P. Souto, A. Orfila. Seagrass berm accumulation and dismantling on microtidal Mediterranean beaches: a 7-year record. EGU2019, Vienna, Austria. 12 Apr 2018, 08:30-10:15. Poster. Session GM11.2 - Coastal morphodynamics: nearshore, beach and dunes (sponsored by CCS - IGU), in Hall X2 at board number X2.103. Abstract
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Angels Fernandez Mora (ICTS SOCIB), Veronica Morales (IMEDEA-CSIC-UIB), Eva Aguiar (ICTS SOCIB - MEDLIC program) and Emma Reyes (ICTS SOCIB)
©Angels Fernandez