Two gliders have been recovered successfully
After 49 and 65 days of mission respectively two gliders have been recovered today during a particularly long and intense extraction operation.
The operative has been executed on-board Hurricane SOCIB-I RIB by two menbers of E.T. Division whilst the Glider Team have been providing shore-control and coordination.
This time the job has exhibited an extra difficulty related to the poor communications between field and shore teams. In fact, only Iridium handset could get both teams in contact and with a very low quality-of-signal. Finally, it all went well and the team were heading back to port with both gliders securely fastened on-board.
Congratulations to everybody involved in this operations, in particular, and in GF-MR-0040 and GF-MR-0041 missions in general. SOCIB-IMEDEA gliders are not only powered by battery-cells but by all of our daily efforts as well.
With this record-beating missions (in days-at-sea, CTD-profiles, etc...) the Glider Facility is about to conclude the 2015 Campaign of Glider operations.
Watch the video for further info: