Medclic program is launching the website www.medclic.es to bring oceanographic research to general public.
This site becomes a space for a communication, interaction and information, contributing to bring the new technologies in coastal marine observation to general public with ICTS SOCIB and "la Caixa" Foundation.
The Mediterranean, this small blue spot enclosed between three continents, it also represents a small scale ocean laboratory. The physical processes of the great oceans take place in the Mediterranean on a smaller scale, which makes it an ideal system for tackling their complexity and advance our understanding of the oceans.
Therefore Medclick aims to bring to light the work at SOCIB and facilitate access to their data as well as promoting its educational use via awareness campaigns which promote scientific culture.This program brings the sea and its value as an ecosystem, to the classrooms via educational content, guided tours of the research and observation infrastructure, and teaching proposals to promote interest in our knowledge of the Mediterranean and bringing to light the oceanographic research work done by ICTS SOCIB.
Dive into a sea of science and knowledge in www.medclic.es