Stories of science and the Mediterranean
A great opportunity to gain an understanding of what is special about the Mediterranean, what its current state of health is, what its current threats are and what the immediate future looks like. The Obra Social “la Caixa” and the UCC+i of the CSIC in the Balearic Isles will put us in touch with four researchers so they may recount a little of their science based experiences of the Mediterranean.
On Thursday afternoons during February from 19hrs, the auditorium of CaixaForum Palma will become a seafaring tavern led by the journalist Rosa Campomar, who will interview these contemporary mariners.
On Thursday the 11th, Joaquín Tintoré will explain how the technology at the SOCIB science facility he runs collects data of great interest for researchers and managers.
On Thursday the 18th professor Enrique Macpherson (CEAB – CSIC) will be demonstrating the Mare Nostrum's endemic species of flora and fauna, one of the areas with the greatest biodiversity on the planet.
Finally, on Thursday the 25th, Dr. David March (IMEDEA, CSIC – UIB), and Ricardo Sagarminaga, director of Kai Marine Services, will address the environmental condition and marine biodiversity of our sea.
Further information here and reservations at the CaixaForum Palma