Obra Social "la Caixa" and SOCIB team up to develop the project “Medclic: the Mediterranean at one click”
The territorial director of "la Caixa" in the Balearic Islands, Mr. Joan Ramon Fuertes jointly with the Director of the Science and Environment Area at “la Caixa" Foundation, Dr. Enric Banda, and SOCIB’s Director, Joaquín Tintoré, have signed today, 27th of June, a collaboration agreement for the realization of the science and outreach program “Medclic: the Mediterranean at one click". Dr. Enric Banda emphasized the interest of "la Caixa" Foundation in having the talent and experience of SOCIb team in this project, of great importance to society and with society.
The two main objectives of the Medclick program are: in science, progress in the resolution of small-scale oceanic variability, and on the society part, bring the results obtained in this project to society at large, develop educational materials for students and different outreach activities based on the obtained results.
Obra Social "la Caixa" historically developed social, educational, cultural, scientific and environmental programs with transformative vocation. SOCIB, on the other hand, includes among its specific objectives training, enhance scientific culture, develop outreach and transference to society programs, etc. Medclic project is willing to engage society and move towards a sensitized citizenship to environmental issues, which can assess the importance of coastal research to develop predictive models and addressing phenomena such as climate change. This agreement represents a major step forward in the approach between society at large and the scientific investigation of the Mediterranean Sea.