Stories of science and the Mediterranean
A great opportunity to gain an understanding of what is special about the Mediterranean, what its current state of health is, what its current threats are and what the immediate future looks like.
A great opportunity to gain an understanding of what is special about the Mediterranean, what its current state of health is, what its current threats are and what the immediate future looks like.
Prepare to experience and discover the Mediterranean as you have never done before, feel what it is like to swim in a shoal of tuna, watch the evolution of the salinity crisis with your very own eyes, or learn about the current dangers which threaten the future of our sea.
Te mostramos algunas pautas y consejos para preparar tu vídeo y participar en el concurso "La mar de ciencia: concurso para jóvenes artistas interesados en la ciencia y el mar"
Canales-January campaign started with the successful launch of the glider IDEEP00 from the waters of the Dragonera Island.
The measurements from Jason-3 will advance our efforts to understand the Earth as a system and the causes of sea level rise.