Ocean acidification: the underwater threat
Recent scientific studies have demonstrated that the atmosphere's increased concentration of CO2 is posing a risk for the health of our oceans due to the process known as acidification.
Recent scientific studies have demonstrated that the atmosphere's increased concentration of CO2 is posing a risk for the health of our oceans due to the process known as acidification.
Christmas, a time when we focus on celebrations and gifts, but also comes a time when we should stop and think and evaluate everything that is important, as our seas and oceans. Consider giving our Mediterranean Sea a gift by keeping your holidays green.
After 49 and 65 days of mission respectively two gliders have been recovered today during a particularly long and intense extraction operation.
Medclic provides a competitive experience and platform for junior artists, aged from 6 to 17 years. All the students from Spain can participate in this experience and show the importance of marine science and technology.
Aquest web es converteix en un espai de comunicació, interactiu i divulgatiu, que contribueix a l'apropament de la societat a les noves tecnologies d'observació marina i costanera de la mà de la ICTS SOCIB i l'Obra Social "la Caixa".